Potter’s Wheelheads from Laodikeia
Ancient Laodikeia was founded at the center of the Lykos (Çürüksu) Valley, situated at the western end of Phrygia. Pottery, molds and kilns uncovered in the course of systematic excavations at Laodikeia since 2003 form the most important find group that takes the city’s history back to the 5500s BC. In this context, in addition to the pottery kilns of the Late Bronze Age and Hellenistic period uncovered at Asopos Hill, sherds with impressed décor and molds uncovered at various sectors of the city, have shown that pottery was produced at the site from the early periods onwards. Furthermore, names of Laodikeian potters attested on wares indicate that pottery production was an important commercial activity for the city. Existence of local pottery production has also been verified by clay analyses. Pottery is the leading find group that allows us to understand the chronology, economic power, daily lifestyle, customs, religious beliefs and cult of the dead in an ancient settlement. Based on their types and quality, pottery constitutes the most common and most important assemblage used by people of the lowest income group through to those of the highest. Notably, within the excavation sectors, four clay wheelheads associated with potter’s wheel equipment were unearthed in distinct locations-the North (Sacred) Agora (cat. no. 1), the Ephesus Street North Portico (cat. no. 2), the Central Church (cat. no. 3), and the Peristyle House with Oratory (cat. no. 4). Two of these wheelheads were attributed to the Hellenistic Period (cat. no. 1-2), while the other two were dated to Late Antiquity (4th-6th century AD). Despite receiving limited attention in classical archaeological studies, these wheelheads hold paramount significance as key evidence of ceramic production activities within the city.
Antik Kaynaklar
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