Preliminary Thoughts on Lydian Pottery Found at Tisna

Aydın ERÖN - Merve Sultan ÇAKAN

Arkhaia Anatolika 4. Sayı

Received Date : 14.12.2020 | Acceptance Date : 05.01.2021

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2021.24 | Online Publication Date : 9.1.2021 12:54:25


The ancient city of Tisna, which was located in the Aiolis Region in the Ancient Period, is today within the borders of Aliağa district in İzmir. During the survey in 2018 and 2019, Sarıkale Tepe and Kocakale Tepe were mainly studied. In these studies, seven pieces of Lydian pottery were found. Five of them came from Sarıkale Tepe and two from Kocakale Tepe. It is also important that the Sarıkale Tepe finds come from an area considered to be a sacred area. Kocakale Tepe samples were found in an area thought to be a necropolis. All of the Lydia pottery discussed in this study decorated with “streaky glaze”, and they are in two different styles, glossy and matte. Lydian pottery found at Tisna consists of different forms such as oinochoe, dish, skyphos and bowl.

The ancient city of Tisna was established near a road network to Lydia Region. Therefore, it is thought that the settlement interacts with the Lydian culture.Pottery found during the survey in the ancient city also proves this cultural interaction. It is known that the Lydian Kingdom dominated Western Anatolia, especially between 7th and 6th centuries BC. Lydian pottery also appears in a wide area in this period. The pottery decorated with “streaky glaze” from Tisna was dated to the late 7th-early 6th centuries BC with the help of similar samples and other finds from the settlement.

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