Sculpture Artifacts from Antioch on the Maeander in the Aydın Archaeological Museum
In this study, two busts and a relief fragment, which are preserved in the Stone Artifacts Warehouse of Aydın Archaeological Museum and brought to the museum through purchase, are discussed. The study aims to bring these artifacts into discussion and thereby contribute to the sculpture literature of the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods of the Caria Region. To this end, the researchers determined the typology and style features of the plastic works found in Antioch on the Maeander, as well as the period features and sculpture centers of the finds. The originality of the study is reified by the fact that no studies on sculptural works have been published, except for a sarcophagus fragment depicting the Heracles Herme as the bearer of the garland, which was previously preserved in the Aydın Archaeological Museum related to the ancient city of Antioch on the Maeander and evaluated by the researchers in the group of sarcophagi with garland of the ancient city of Aphrodisias. Since the artifacts are not excavated materials and there is no information in the inventory records about the find context, they were dated by analogy with the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Period sculpture works in the Caria Region and the nearby geography. The first example of the two bust fragments that make up the research content reflects the fashion of the second half of the 1st century AD in the Roman Imperial Period, and the second example reflects the style characteristics of the end of the 2nd century AD. The first half of the 2nd century BC, under the influence of the Hellenistic Period Pergamon School, is suggested for the relief fragment, which constitutes the third and final example. As a result of the comparisons, it is seen that the finds reflect the stylistic features of the works in nearby centers such as Pergamon, Aphrodisias, Tralleis and Stratonikeia.
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