Hellenistic Unguentaria Found in Tyana between 2003 and 2017


6. Sayı

Received Date : 10.11.2023 | Acceptance Date : 15.12.2023

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2023.61 | Online Publication Date : 31.12.2023 22:55:17


The ancient city of Tyana is positioned on a route that extends from the Cappadocia Region to the Cilician Gates. Today, this city is located in the Kemerhisar Town, Bor district of Niğde Province, Turkey. This article focuses on the unguentaria of the Hellenistic Period recovered from the surveys and excavations of Tyana. Two types of unguentaria were identified during these excavations: unguentaria with dome-like rims and spindle-shaped unguentaria. The only example of the unguentarium with dome-like rims dates back to the second half of the 3rd century BC. Most of the unguentaria are spindle-shaped (fusiform). The only example of the spindle-shaped unguentaria goes back to the 3rd-2nd century BC. Apart from these, other unguentaria found in Tyana are broadly dated to the 1st and 2nd century BC.

The 1st and 2nd century BC, when the unguentariums were very commonly available, the ancient city of Tyana emerged as a Greek polis. In the 1st century BC, the Cappadocia region gained the support of Rome. Based on various archaeological and epigraphic data, Tyana had its golden age around these centuries. Also, the unguentaria examined in this study support this argument.

A mold found among the ceramics belonging to the Hellenistic period of the city indicates that there used to be a pottery production in or around Tyana. Further, the uncovering of imported ceramics dated to the Late Hellenistic Period and their imitations supplements the existence of a local production. In this regard, it is thought that unguentaria may also be among the types of local production.

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