Principles of Publishing Ethics

The editors of Arkhaia Anatolika enforce a rigorous blind double peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality studies to the field of scholarly publication. Arkhaia Anatolika dedicated to following best practices on ethical matters, errors and retractions. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial board. Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and Arkhaia Anatolika does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Arkhaia Anatolika requests all members (the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher) to adhere to the Core Practices on publication ethics and follow the guidelines on handling publishing ethics allegations stipulated by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In addition, the journal complies with the Press Law, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.

Arkhaia Anatolika has adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). It also undertakes to comply with the Decisions of the Turkey Editors’ Workshop.

Duplicate/Redundant Publication and Dual Submission

Duplicate submission / publication: This refers to the practice of submitting the same study to two journals or publishing more or less the same study in two journals. These submissions/publications can be nearly simultaneous or years later.

Redundant publication (also described as ‘salami publishing’): this refers to the situation that one study is split into several parts and submitted to two or more journals. Or the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification. “Self-plagiarism” is considered a form of redundant publication. It concerns recycling or borrowing content from previous work without citation.

Dual Submission: also called simultaneous or double submission, is the submission of manuscripts that are identical in the essentials (as described above for duplicate publication) to two or more journals at the same time. “The same time” means that the manuscript is under consideration for publication in more than one journal at once.

Articles submitted to the Arkhaia Anatolika Journal must contain unpublished original work and not be under consideration for publication by any other journal, other than in oral, poster or abstract formats. Duplicate publications are never acceptable. The editor returns this type of paper without sending it for peer review. The Editor who detects this breach may ban the author from submitting papers to their journal for a specific period. The editor may also notify the other journals about the author(s) or apply all of these measures together. We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of duplicate or redundant publication, either by contacting the relevant editor or by emailing

Any manuscript based on a thesis should be a reworking of the material in the thesis and written to conform to the journal’s style guide. When quoting from the thesis or reusing figures, authors should avoid self-plagiarism by citing and referencing any extracts copied or adapted from the thesis appropriately. If a thesis was published by a publisher and is publicly accessible, permission may be required from the thesis publisher before submitting to a journal. The relevant editor should be informed that the manuscript draws on a thesis in the cover letter.


Plagiarism is the unauthorized and unacknowledged use of someone else’s words, ideas, processes, or results in a manner that can mislead others into thinking the material is your own. Plagiarism can also be in the form of text recycling where an author reuses portions of text from their own work that isn’t properly credited. The key to avoiding plagiarism is proper attribution and citation to the previous works on which you have relied in your writing. Although citations may differ in form within the scientific literature, their function is the same; namely, to point others to the original source of the information presented.

Arkhaia Anatolika is strictly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form. All manuscripts submitted for publication to the journal are cross-checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Going by the convention, usually a text similarity below 15% (excluding bibliography) is acceptable by the journal and a similarity of >25% is considered as high percentage of plagiarism. But even in case of 15% similarity, if the matching text is one continuous block of borrowed material, it will be considered as plagiarized text of significant concern.

Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during initial stages of review are rejected and not considered for publication in the journal. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the Journal will conduct an investigation. If the manuscript is found to be plagiarized beyond the acceptable limits, the journal will contact the author’s Institute / College / University and Funding Agency, if any. Upon determination of the extent of plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted. We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of plagiarism, either by contacting the relevant editor or by emailing

Image Manipulation, Falsification and Fabrication

Where research data are collected or presented as images, modifying these images can sometimes misrepresent the results obtained or their significance. We recognize that there can be legitimate reasons for modifying images, but we expect authors to avoid modifying images where this leads to the falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of their results.


The Arkhaia Anatolika may be alerted to errors either by the authors of the published article or by a reader. If the authors have alerted the staff, a correction (erratum) will be made as soon as possible. If a reader has alerted the staff, the author will be contacted to see if an erratum notice is appropriate. The decision to issue a correction (erratum) for an article will be made in accordance with COPE and ICJME guidelines.


A published article will be retracted if an important error in method or data reporting occurred and is discovered after publication and/or if there is confirmation of scientific fraud, plagiarism, copyright infringement, duplicate publication, or other serious infraction. The retraction notice may be written by the authors themselves or by the Editor-in-Chief.

Authors and institutions may request a retraction of their articles if their reasons meet the criteria for retraction. The Editors or Editorial Board may conclude that retraction is appropriate. In all cases, the retraction indicates the reason for the action and who is responsible for the decision. The decision to issue a retraction for an article will be made in accordance with COPE and ICJME guidelines.

Reporting Ethical Violations

When readers notice a major error in an article published in Arkhaia Anatolika or have any complaints about editorial content (plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.), they may contact the Arkhaia Anatolika staff by a brief email ( or

Privacy Policy

The Editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, and other editorial advisers, as appropriate. The Editor must protect the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all communications with reviewers, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant authors and reviewers. In exceptional circumstances, the editor may share limited information with editors of other journals where deemed necessary to investigate suspected research misconduct. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor's own research without the express written consent of the author.

Allegations of Misconduct

The journal editors take all possible misconducts seriously. The editors, authors or readers can forward their concerns to the journal if they find out that the description in a submission or a published article may constitute an academic fraud, research misconduct or publication malpractice. Allegations of misconduct will be taken with utmost seriousness, regardless of whether those involved are internal or external to the journal, or whether the submission in question is pre- or post-publication.  If an allegation is made to the journal, the editor will follow guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on how to address the nature of the problem.

Arkhaia Anatolika is committed to applying the COPE guidelines when faced with allegations of misconduct listed below or similar.

• Plagiarism

• Allegations regarding author contributions

• Duplicate submission/publication

• Research standards violations

• Manipulation of the peer review process

• Allegations of inappropriate duplication/alteration of images

• Authorship change requests

• Undisclosed conflicts of interest

Complaints Procedure

This procedure applies to complaints that relate to content, procedures or policies that are the responsibility of Arkhaia Anatolika or our editorial staff. Complaints may provide an opportunity and a spur for improvement, and so we aim to respond quickly, courteously, and constructively. Complaints should be directly emailed to and will be dealt with confidentially. All complaints are handled in accordance with the guidelines published by the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

Complaints at Arkhaia Anatolika are coordinated by a central team with individual complaints handled by the most appropriate staff member, with the opportunity for escalation if they cannot be resolved.

• All complaints will be reviewed initially by our complaints team. 

• This team will direct the complaint to the relevant member of the editorial or publishing staff and escalate if required.

• In the case that this initial response is felt to be insufficient, the complainant can request that their complaint is escalated to a more senior member of the team.

• If the complainant remains unhappy, complaints may be escalated to Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final.

Objection to the Evaluation Result

The authors reserve the right to object to the Editorial Board and Scientific Board opinions of the articles evaluated by Arkhaia Anatolika. Authors should send the objection justifications regarding the evaluation result for their work to Objections are examined by the Editorial Board and a positive or negative response is provided to the authors within one month at the latest. If the objections of the authors are found positive, the editorial board appoints new referees and restarts the evaluation process.

Conflicts of Interest

Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the presentation, review or publication of a piece of work. These may be financial, non-financial, professional, contractual or personal in nature.

Editors of the Arkhaia Anatolika avoid conflicts of interest with respect to the evaluation of manuscripts by close associates. The overarching principle is that a manuscript should not be advantaged or disadvantaged by an author’s relationship with the editor handling the paper.  When an author of a manuscript is a former or current graduate student, advisor, colleague, or co-author of the co-editor who would normally handle the submission, the other co-editor will handle the paper’s evaluation. Other circumstances that might lead to recusal of a co-editor are a close personal relationship with the author (not covered by the list above) or a submission that is directly and critically engaged with an editor’s own research. 

Arkhaia Anatolika has a declared process for handling submissions from the editors, members of the journal’s staff or editorial board receive an objective and unbiased evaluation. Original research articles written by the Journal's Editors and Editorial Board Members undergo a double-blind peer review process by at least two internal reviewers and at least two external reviewers. During this period, those editors cannot enter the journal system, user accounts are disabled.

The editor must not be involved in decisions about papers which s/he has written him/herself or have been written by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest. Further, any such submission must be subject to all of the journal’s usual procedures, peer review must be handled independently of the relevant author/editor and their research groups. The editor shall apply ICMJE guidelines relating to the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by authors and reviewers.

We also expect that anyone who suspects an undisclosed competing interest regarding a work published or under consideration by Arkhaia Anatolika should inform the relevant editor or email

Special Issue

A special issue focuses on a specific area of research that has a broad appeal and falls within the aims and scope of the journal. Arkhaia Anatolika may publish a special issue once a year upon the request of the Editorial Board. The Journal Editorial Office usually invites scholars to guest edit Special Issues on topics of interest to the scientific community. All submissions follow the same editorial and peer review process as regular papers.
