A Grotesque/Ethnic Figurine Fragment from Ballıcaoluk Settlement at Mount Nif (Olympos)
Ballıcaoluk, one of the excavation areas of the Mount Nif (Olympos) Excavation, is a fortified settlement within the borders of Vişneli village in Kemalpaşa (Nymphaion), on the east side of Mt. Nif. The settlement, excavated from 2008 on, has yielded finds from the end from the 8th century BCE to the Byzantine Period. Settlements and necropoleis at Mt. Nif, which are not mentioned in ancient sources, are located in the Ionia-Lydia border. This paper deals with the possible production site and cultural context of a terracotta figurine fragment (inventory number: Nif.PT.22-1) recovered from a house within the settlement. Alongside the examination of the fragment, the other finds (pottery, metal finds and coins) from the residential area in Ballıcaoluk settlement, and other figurine fragments from the necropolis in Dağkızılca nearby, are taken into consideration. With reference to the building phases of the house and on stylistic grounds, the figurine fragment has been dated to the 3rd to mid-2nd century BCE. Although local clay pottery fragments are known, there is no evidence of figurine or figurine mould production in the vicinity of Mt. Nif. The results of the XRD analysis were compared with the results of other figurine producing centres and with samples taken from the neighbouring clay deposits (Bozköy), and from these a proposal is presented for the possible production site. The interactions between influential workshops in the region in terms of style and subject, and the previously published figurine fragments from Dağkızılca and Ballıcaoluk, indicate the influence of the Smyrna-Ephesus-Pergamon workshops. Although the grotesque/ethnic type figurine fragment from Ballıcaoluk is similar to the figurine “attributed to Smyrnaean”, it is similar to the Ephesus type 2 and type 4 in terms of clay structure. When both the style and clay structure of Ballıcaoluk figurine fragment are evaluated, as well as the small terracotta finds and figurine fragments from Dağkızılca are taken into consideration, it has been observed that there was cultural and commercial interaction with Smyrna and Ephesus during the Hellenistic Period.
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