Sagalassos Red Slip Ware from Tripolis

Mehmet OK

Arkhaia Anatolika 1. Sayı

Received Date : 05.07.2018 | Acceptance Date : 13.08.2018

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2018.2 | Online Publication Date : 15.11.2018 17:26:02


Imported red slipped ceramics were found at Ancient City of Tripolis where is located on the banks of Maiandros during the excavation works between 2012 and 2017. Among these findings, red slipped ceramics were defined which date Early Roman Imperial  Period  such  as  Pergamon Sigillata  and  Eastern Sigillata A and B groups also Late Roman Period red slipped ware. Form diversity and numerical majority belongs to Sagalassos Sigillatas among the red slipped ceramic forms. 20 different forms and nearly 200 ceramic samples were idendified in Tripolis which belong to this group, Poblome’s study in 1999 detailed was taken definitions and evaluations as the form classification.

The Sagalassos Sigillatas which in production from the Late Hellenistic Period to the 7th century A.D were found in archaeological excavations in many ancient cities outside Sagalassos during the Ancient Ages. These ceramics were produced in the interior of Anatolia unlike other red slipped ceramic groups and exported to the different regions and geographies. In this study, it is seen that Sagalassos Sigillatas were also used intensively in Tripolis that is located in the western Anatolia borders. These ceramics found in Tripolis have a thick walled structure except a few samples. This supports as already mentioned in several publications that Sagalassos potters produce their products that are made for export at far distances and suitable for the land transportation.

Visible mineral additives of Sagalassos red slipped wares of Tripolis were examined and apart from that clay analysis of some ceramic samples. According to analytical study, considering the structure and content of the ceramic content, the ceramics could be produced with the clay from Çanaklı region where is near to City of Sagalassos.

Among Sagalassos Red Slip Ware in Tripolis, there are limited number of samples with ornamentation, especially the examples of samples dated to the 4th century AD indicate a commercial relation with Sagalassos in this period. This commercial relations is supported by the discovery of 1347 coins found on such dates in Tripolis Arched Building.

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M. Ok, “Tripolis’te Bulunan Sagalassos Kırmızı Astarlı Seramikleri”, Arkhaia Anatolika 1 (2018), 31-51. DOI: 10.32949/Arkhaia.2018.2
