First Evaluations on Amphora Stamps Found in Knidos Excavations
A study was started on about the all amphora stamps found in the old and new periods of the Knidos excavations in 2014. In this context, approximately 1031 amphora stamps found at different points of Knidos were cataloged and inscribed. The amphora stamps belonging to different production centers were dated to Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antiquity. These amphora stamps are classified as Khersonessos, Sinope, Akanthos – Amphipolis, Thasos, Miletus, Chios, Nikandros, Parmeniskos, Kos, Rhodos, Rhodos Peraias, Egypt, Kyrenaika and Knidos. There are also stamps whose origins have not yet been determined. Apart from the amphora stamps, some stamped lagynos handles were also found. The purpose of this study was to date and classify the amphora stamps in the city, to determine the commercial relations of Knidos and to establish the dating criteria for stratigraphy or contexts.
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