A Suggestion on Aizanitis Region Borders
In the studies carried out in and around the ancient city of Aizanoi in Çavdarhisar district of Kütahya province, important data about the geography of the region and the territory of the city were obtained. Aizanoi and its surroundings were referred to as the “Aizanitis Area” in the Roman Period, and the people living here are called “Aizanitians”. This name is also fixed by the epigraphic data found in the city and the works of ancient authors that have survived to the present day. Among the ancient neighbors of the region, which is generally localized to the Örencik Plain, are Kotiaeion (Kütahya) in the northeast, Appia (Pınarcık) in the southeast, Kadoi (Gediz) in the southwest and Tiberiopolis (Hisarcık) in the northwest. Although the studies conducted by previous researchers in the region in question contain important data on the borders of the region, they do not contain enough detailed information on this subject. The aim of this study is to determine the geographical borders of the region known as Aizanitis and to determine the territory of the ancient city of Aizanoi. In this context, first of all, the surrounding of the city of Aizanoi and the village settlements located on the borders of Çavdarhisar district were visited, the geography of the region was examined and the geographical signs found in important points such as rivers, mountains and plains were followed. In addition, the typology of the milestones providing epigraphic data on roads and settlements and the tomb steles presenting important and distinctive archaeological data in the region were also evaluated. In places where the boundaries of the region are controversial, the archaeological data and the topography of the region were taken into consideration in order to reach the closest results. In this study, for the first time, a border proposal was made for the Aizanitis Region by giving the names of the modern village settlements within the borders of Çavdarhisar district today.
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