The Cult of Ares at Sillyon


Arkhaia Anatolika 4. Sayı

Received Date : 03.03.2021 | Acceptance Date : 13.03.2021

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2021.28 | Online Publication Date : 17.3.2021 14:56:27


In parallel to recently increasing research at Sillyon, an important city of Pamphylia, important results have been attained regarding the history of the city and the region. The ancient city of Sillyon was founded on top of a rocky hill and this topographic fabric has determined the urban character. Naturally protected location and its geographic position paved the way for the city to be a fortress-city, always on the stage with its defense through history. This character was of great importance for Sillyon and it was supplemented with structures for defense; thus, the city became difficult to be seized when the natural fabric and defense system were compounded. Nevertheless, this situation is considered an effective element with regards to the existence of the cult of Ares in the city. As widely known, Greek Ares, or Roman Mars, was a deity with military character and connected with wars or defense. Based on numismatic evidence from the city, the cult of Ares is attested intensively from the 4th-3rd century BC through the late phases of Roman Imperial period. Ares is even attested with Mars Ultor iconography in the 2nd century – beginning of 3rd century AD. Furthermore, that a Persian garrison was positioned at the city in the Classical period, that a strong defense system was built in the Hellenistic period and that the defense structures retained their function until the site was abandoned need to be taken into consideration for the cult of Ares. Military mission of Sillyon must have made Ares a faith whose might and support were always needed both by the locals and the troops in the city. This article deals with how Ares was seen through the history of the city. The presence of Ares, who was venerated in the city’s pantheon for about seven centuries uninterruptedly, is explored in all details.

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Özdemir, B. Ş. ve Taşkıran, M. (2021). Sillyon’da Ares Kültü. Arkhaia Anatolika, 4, 109-122. DOI: 10.32949/Arkhaia.2021.28
