Ancient Harbour Research in Kızlar Hamamı Bay


Arkhaia Anatolika 6. Sayı

Received Date : 25.10.2023 | Acceptance Date : 15.12.2023

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2023.60 | Online Publication Date : 31.12.2023 22:44:25


The subject of the article is the terrestrial and underwater cultural assets identified in Kızlar Hamamı Bay, located in the Silifke District of Mersin province. The rugged and stony nature of mountainous Cilicia has contributed to the prominence of maritime trade. The strategic location of the Cilicia region, close to Cyprus and the Levant, provides significant geopolitical advantages. In the research area; bath(?), bollards, mooring stones, amphoras, ceramics, daily-use containers, roof tiles, stone anchor, farmhouse, and church have been identified. The archaeological findings identified along the coastline and underwater, particularly in Kızlar Hamamı Bay, suggest the intensive utilization of the coastal areas of mountainous Cilicia in maritime trade along the Northern Syrian and Anatolian coastlines. In light of the gathered information, it is known that settlements along the coastline of the Cilicia region began to increase concurrently with the rising trade of olive oil and wine in the 1st century BC.

Archaeological evidence found on the shore and underwater in the research area indicates that this rural settlement was intensively used in production and maritime trade, as was the case throughout Cilicia. It is understood that Kızlar Hamamı Bay was a part of the maritime trade chain of Cilicia from the 1st century BC to the 7th century AD, as well as the need for agricultural production. Although there are many indented bays along the coastline of mountainous Cilicia, very few of these bays have documented underwater cultural assets. However, Kızlar Hamamı Bay was found to contain a higher concentration of finds compared to the other bays. The reason for this situation can be explained by the geological structure of the bay suitable for seafaring. In this context, this study will be an incentive for the research of a small number of similar bays with similar geological structures such as Kızlar Hamamı Bay.

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