Vitruvius III.2.6: Hermogenes, Menesthes, and the Pseudodipteros Temple of Apollo (?)


Arkhaia Anatolika 4. Sayı

Received Date : 01.02.2021 | Acceptance Date : 19.02.2021

DOI : 10.32949/Arkhaia.2021.27 | Online Publication Date : 22.2.2021 15:59:59


Roman architect Vitruvius’ “De architectura libri decem” mirrors architectural-engineering history and theories of the Classical Ages of the Mediterranean Basin that reached the present day and it has definitely taken its place in the literature as the most comprehensive study. Vitruvius mentions Hermogenes in his work for the first time in the 3rd book where that chapter subjects to temple plans and their examples (III. 2.6): “huius exemplar Romae non est sed│Magnesiae (aedis) Dianae Hermogenis, Alabandis etiam Apollinis a Menesthe facta ”. He quoted Hermogenes’ name when he was talking about pseudodipteros temples plans that did not exist in Rome and counted merely two of it. One of these temples is the Temple of Artemis, mentioned in the chapter where Hermogenes’ name is quoted. The temple is referred as his work in later chapters. Vitruvius states that, the second pseudodipteros temple is dedicated to Apollo. Chapter III.2.6 of his book is one of the most significant chapters that carry the problematic of Hermogenes to the current literature. Outside of Rome, it is futile to discuss the presence of two pseudodipteros temples on the text which Vitruvius knew and reported. However, he mentioned names of Alabanda (?) and Menesthes (?) that brings a significant discussion and some questions with it: Where is Hermogenes from? Apart from the Temple of Artemis, where is the Temple of Apollo, the second pseudodipteros temple? Who built it? This study brings a new perspective by evaluating all previous discussions and interpretations until present day.

Ancient Literature

Frontin. aqu.: Sextus Iulius Frontinus, De aquis urbis Romae.*.html

Plin. nat.: Plinius, Naturalis Historia.*.html

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Strab.: Strabon, Geographica XII-XIII-XIV; Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Strabon, Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası (Geographika: XII-XIII-XIV). (Çev). Adnan Pekman. İstanbul 1993.


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